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Charlotte Dog Training Club

Serving Charlotte area dog owners since 1955

Spring 2024 Class Information - Public View

This page is for information only.  Click here for Class Registration page.

Class Registration will open to non-members on 03/18. Most classes start 4/1

Class Prices listed are for non members.  All Class prices are $150 for a 6 week session, 4 week classes are $100.   EXCEPT for  a special offering of Control Unleashed taught by Susan Mann at $200 (no vouchers or discounts accepted for this class).

Please make sure you are able to attend at least 4 of the 6 sessions to earn credit for completing  a class.

Please review the class descriptions and prerequisites below.

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Pet/Intro Obedience Classes

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy

Description: This is a basic socialization and early obedience class for puppies up to 12 months old. At the completion of the program, your puppy can earn an AKC S.T.A.R. puppy certificate. Skills such as sit, down, come, and controlled walking on a leash will be taught. Other puppy behaviors we practice are handling the puppy, socialization with other people and puppies etc. Puppies do not have to be registered with AKC nor do they need to be purebred. STAR Puppy Advanced and Life Skills for Dogs are recommended next classes.

Instructor: Victoria Carey

Instructor: Ann DiSilvestre

S.T.A.R. Puppy Advanced

This class continues the basics learned in the AKC STAR puppy class. It is designed for older puppies who have had some basic obedience, such as sit, down, and beginning loose lead walking. It will continue the basics with the addition of stay, leave it, greetings, and other behaviors to help you enjoy your puppy in your home and out in public! At the end of the course, dogs will be able to continue to Life Skills 2 or to Canine Good Citizen. There will be fun puppy games during the class to make sure the puppies stay mentally stimulated! 

Pre-requisites:  Successful completion of STAR Puppy. Instructor approval.

Instructor:  Victoria Carey

Life Skills for Dogs 1

Dogs will learn to sit, down, stay, greet people properly.

Handlers will learn how to get a dogs attention. How to move from lure training to marker reward training. How to control a dog when greeting people out walking or at the door at home. How to teach and use a stay in position with distractions about.

Prerequisites:  Be able to walk on Leash

                        Not aggressive towards people or dogs

Instructor:  Donna Craig

Life Skills for Dogs 2

Description:  We will strengthen knowledge obtained in Life Skills 1 or Puppy classes and introduce new exercises such as impulse control, stay, alternative method of polite greeting, navigating doors, and accepting body handling.  

Priority registration will be given to those students who have successfully completed the classes listed below or with instructor approval.  To be added to a a wait list please email:

PRE-REQUISITES: Life Skills 1 and/or CDTC Puppy Classes (S.T.A.R Puppy or Puppy 1 or 2)

REQUIREMENTS: Freedom Harness and a 4-foot leash  

Instructor:  Melissa Shea

Beginner Obedience/Rally I

Description: This class is for handlers and dogs to learn skills needed to prepare for Obedience and Rally Classes.  The class is intended for graduates of Life Skills for Dogs 2 class and to continue to build on those skills

Instructor:  Liz Petko

CGC Test Prep

Description: ​This class will teach you to train your dog for the 10 specific behaviors required by the AKC for the Canine Good Citizen certification.  Please note:  This is  for dogs with some previous obedience training.  Your dog should be able to walk alongside you on leash, know some basic commands such as sit, down, stay and come.  We'll help you with the rest.  

Instructor:  Marti Morris

Control Unleashed

Control Unleashed is a program developed by Leslie McDevitt, that is a fabulous foundation for working with your dog.  CU helps you and your dog develop clear 2 way communication about what your dog can handle, while improving the ability to concentrate on task in the face of distractions.  It is a great start for puppies, a super way to help adolescents through a difficult time, and helpful for any dog experiencing issues. Since this is a special offering of this class offered by others at a higher cost, no vouchers or discounts will be accepted. 

Instructor:  Susan Mann

Tricks Concepts

Description:  This class will teach various tricks using luring as well as shaping to allow dog/handler teams to have fun in a low stress environment, improve their training skills, and learn tricks to prepare for AKC Tricks Title testing.

Instructor: Valerie LiCausi

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Competition Obedience/Rally Classes

Rally Novice Fundamentals

This class is for students who are new to the sport of AKC rally, or for those who want to brush up on the skills needed to successful compete in AKC Rally Novice. AKC Rules and Regulations will be introduced. The focus of the class will be on learning the correct way to perform each exercise at the rally novice level. We will also work on improving the skills needed to succeed in Rally Novice including leash handling, heeling, sits and downs, fronts and finishes, and pivots. Short courses will be introduced building on the signs that are being covered each week.

Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to work in close proximity to people and other dogs. Students should have knowledge of basic obedience exercises as taught in the Beginner Obedience/Rally I and II class.

Equipment Required: Regular collar and 4' or 6' leash.

If the class is full, please email the instructor at  to be added to the wait list.

Instructor: Debbie Mitchell

Rally Novice Run throughs

Rally AKC rules and regulations will be reviewed. One Novice Rally course will be set up each week, possibly and if space permits, a smaller ring will be set up for practicing exercises. Students will receive practice and coaching in reading signs and running courses. We'll cover everything you need to enter your first AKC Rally Novice Competition.

Prerequisites: This class is for students who have knowledge of basic obedience exercises as taught in the Beginner Obedience/Rally I and II classes. Teams must have command of basic obedience skills such as heel, down, front, finish, and sit. The dog must demonstrate that the handler is in control of the dog’s behavior while on leash.

Equipment Required: regular collar (no harnesses) and a 4' or 6' leash.

Instructor: Bonnie Conrad

Rally Advanced/Excellent Run Throughs

This class combines the Advanced and Excellent run through classes.  One ring will have advanced courses with the second ring having excellent courses.  Students may run advanced, excellent, or both levels during the class.  Students may run the advanced course as an intermediate (on lead) course using an alternate sign for the jump.  Students will receive practice and coaching in correctly performing the rally signs and running courses.

Prerequisites: This class is open to students who have completed the Rally Novice or Intermediate/Advanced class, have their rally novice title, or have the instructor’s permission.

Equipment Required: regular collar (no harnesses) and a 4' or 6' leash. 

If the class is full, please email the instructor at  to be added to the wait list. 

Instructor: Debbie Mitchell

Competition Obedience Foundation

Whether your goal is to earn a Novice title or an OTCH with your dog, success starts with a solid foundation. In this class we will work on building a strong foundation in heeling and engagement, as well as identifying and fixing any holes in your dog's current understanding. Through the use of props like bowls and platforms, you and your dog will learn a variety of fun games to teach 1) an accurate heel position while you're in motion or standing still, 2) duration focus around distractions that are typical at an obedience trial, 3) understanding and reliability during changes of position (command discrimination for Open), and 4) a good understanding of where front position is.

You and your dog will work on building a strong foundation in heeling. We will be prioritizing quality over quantity, focusing on accuracy and engagement instead of distance and duration. If your heeling is holding you back, this class is perfect for helping you help your dog learn to love heeling. 

Prerequisite: For dogs and handlers who have completed Beginner Obedience/Rally classes.  Dogs must be able to walk on a loose lease and must be able to eat treats and/or play with toys on leash in proximity to other leashed dogs. This class is for people who want to compete in competition obedience. 

Instructor: Liz Petko

Competition Beginner Novice

Description:  This class prepares handler/dog teams to compete for the Beginner Novice Title (BN). The required exercises consist of Heeling on Leash while following signs, Figure Eight, Sit for Exam, Sit- Stay walk around the ring, and Recall.  Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to heel on leash, sit, stay, and recall, or instructor’s approval.

Instructor: Karola Hoffman

Competition Novice

Description:  This class prepares hander/dog teams to compete for the Novice Title (CD). The required exercises consist of Heeling on Leash and Figure Eight, Stand for Exam, Heel Free, Recall, Sit Stay-Get Your Leash, and Group Exercise (Sit and Down). Prerequisites: Completion of the BN Title, or dogs must be able to heel on and off leash, sit, stay, recall, control dog off leash, or instructor’s approval.

Instructor: Stan Hoffman

Competition Open Obedience

Description: For those teams that are presently competing in Open Obedience, have completed their Novice title, or are successfully competing in Novice Obedience. All teams should have foundation skills for Open. Additional classes needed: Novice Prep &/or Ring Ready Prep or instructor approval. Students must have Novice Obedience title.

Instructor: Stan Hoffman

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Agility Classes


Description: This class will cover targeting, focus and attention and beginning baby obstacle familiarization. Dogs should know sit stay for ten seconds and come when called. Dog should be able to work in a ring with other dogs.
>This class is held indoors.
> Prerequisites: a beginner class such as star puppy, CU, CGC, Tricks, beginner obedience or instructor approval.

Instructor: Patricia Ray

Pre-Agility 2

This class is intended for teams that have completed "Pre Agility 1."
This class will build the foundation for how to engage with your dog to be able to work with your dog in a distracting environment. You will also learn how to teach the dog impulse control.  Focus will be on teaching the dog how to think and offer behaviors to create a true understanding of skills. Specific goals for this class will be teaching the handler how to create object focus and handler focus from the dog.  Handler focus and object focus are the key foundational components of training agility that are built from engagement and impulse control. There will be handler and dog teams working at the same time. Off leash control with a reliable recall is REQUIRED.  This class is held indoors.

Instructor: Carol Hamblin

Agility  3

Agility 3 – Skill Development and Beginner Handling

This class is intended for teams that have completed classes through "Agility 2 - Obstacle Commitment".

This class will build on object and skills learned in Agility 2. Will continue with plank and weave training.  Object commitment in short drills will be progressed. There will be multiple stations working at the same time. Off leash control with a reliable recall is REQUIRED around working dogs. Start line stay of 10 feet and a 5 foot send to objects required. Plan to bring visible treats and or toy (with or without food in it) to throw.

This class is held indoors at the Sky High Building in Catawba, SC.  Prerequisites: successful completion of Agility 1 or instructor approval.

Instructor: Debbie Roen

Alphabet Drills 

Based on Nancy Gyes' agility book by the same name, sequences will be set up in a fashion resembling a letter of the alphabet.  These sequences will be used to emphasize and address specific handling skills and often will present multiple handling options to try.  They will consist primarily of jumps and tunnels.  Skills to be reviewed will be based on student interests and current experience.

This class is held indoors at the Sky High Building in Catawba, SC

Instructor:  Jeff Boyer

Agility Games 

Want to up your game, so to speak, in agility game classes?  Looking for some ideas on how to improve your success in the various games?  Have you had a great idea for a Snooker run, only to be whistled off after the first jump?  Do you find yourself at the far opposite end of the ring when the horn sounds to do the gamble sequence in Gamblers or Jackpot?  Then this class may be for you.  We will review the rules for some of the most popular agility games such as Snooker, Gamblers and FAST and then provide opportunities to try relevant courses, focusing on improving our skills such as course planning and strategy.  Relevant handling skills will be addressed, although they will not be the main emphasis of the class.

This class is held indoors at the Sky High Building in Catawba, SC.

Instructor:  Jeff Boyer

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Scent Work Classes - No Scent Work Classes offered this session

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Drop-In Classes 

Conformation Drop-In Classes Starting September 8 @ 10:30-11:30.  No signup is required.  For details go to this link  Conformation Class InformationFor schedule:  Class Calendar   Proof Vaccination is required.  $5 per session for members/$10 per session non members

Competition Open/Utility Proofing - Wednesdays 12-2PM  These sessions are for proofing open and utility obedience exercises. Dogs must be training at the competition open or utility levels.    Participants will help each other with elements of exercises, but there is no instructor to provide training. Dogs will be training in close proximity to other dogs so must be under control and work safely near other dogs. This is a drop in class so signup is necessary.    Proof of Vaccination is required. Price is $5/person members/$10/person non-members.

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Charlotte Dog Training Club

2273 Burkette Rd

Rock Hill, SC 29730

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